Internet Explorer Online: Effective Testing Techniques for Legacy Systems

Internet Explorer Online: Effective Testing Techniques for Legacy Systems

Testing on legacy systems is key to making sure users have a smooth experience, especially with Internet Explorer Online. Although web technologies have advanced, many businesses still rely on Internet Explorer for daily tasks. This makes it necessary to test on older browsers to ensure everything functions properly.

IE was once the leading web browser and had a big impact on the Internet. Even though newer browsers are more popular now, many users and businesses continue to use them. So, testing on Internet Explorer Online remains very important.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of testing on legacy systems like Internet Explorer Online. We will also discuss effective techniques that can help you ensure your applications work smoothly on these older platforms.

Importance of Testing on Legacy Browsers

  • Business Continuity: Some businesses depend on applications built for legacy browsers like Internet Explorer Online. Ensuring these applications work smoothly on older platforms can prevent disruptions and maintain business continuity.
  • Ensuring Compatibility: Many organizations still use legacy browsers like Internet Explorer Online for their daily operations. Testing on these browsers ensures that your website or application functions correctly for these users.
  • Maintaining Security: Legacy browsers often have outdated security protocols. Thorough testing can help identify and address vulnerabilities. This protects both your system and the users who rely on these older browsers.

Common Challenges in Testing Legacy Systems

It can be difficult due to outdated technology and the unique requirements of older platforms. Below are some common challenges you may face.

  • Limited Tool Availability: Modern testing tools often lack support for legacy systems like Internet Explorer Online. This makes it difficult to test applications thoroughly. You may need to rely on outdated or specialized tools which can complicate the testing process.
  • Inconsistent Rendering: Legacy browsers may render web pages differently compared to modern browsers. This inconsistency can lead to unexpected layout issues. Testing must account for these differences to ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Performance Limitations: Older browsers and systems may struggle to handle modern web applications. This can lead to slow performance. Testing should include performance optimization to ensure smooth operation on legacy platforms.
  • Compatibility Issues: Legacy systems may not support modern web technologies. This can lead to functionality gaps. Testing must ensure that your application still works as intended on these older platforms.

Techniques to Effectively Test Legacy Systems

Testing legacy systems requires specific strategies to address the unique challenges they present. Below are some effective techniques to ensure thorough testing of these older platforms.

Automated Testing Scripts

They can help streamline the process of testing legacy systems. They allow for consistent and repeatable tests that save time and reduce human error.

  • Automated scripts ensure that tests are run the same way every time. This consistency helps in identifying issues that may be missed with manual testing.
  • Automated testing can quickly execute large numbers of tests. This efficiency is crucial when dealing with complex legacy systems, where manual testing could be time-consuming.
  • Automated scripts can be reused across different testing cycles. This repeatability makes it easier to verify that issues have been resolved and that new updates do not introduce new problems.

Manual Testing

It involves human testers interacting with the application to identify issues. It is useful for detecting problems that automated scripts might miss.

  • Manual testing allows testers to carefully observe the application’s behavior. This can help identify subtle issues that automated scripts might overlook.
  • Testers can adapt their approach based on the application’s responses. This flexibility is valuable for exploring unexpected problems or unique scenarios.
  • Manual testing provides insights into the user experience. Testers can assess usability and ensure that the application meets user expectations.
  • Testers can manually explore edge cases and unusual scenarios. This helps ensure that the application handles all potential user interactions correctly.
  • Manual testing allows for immediate feedback and adjustments. Testers can quickly report issues and work with developers to resolve them in real time.

Backward Compatibility Testing

It ensures that new updates or features do not break functionality for users on older systems. It is crucial for maintaining the stability of applications across different versions.

  • This testing verifies that new versions of the application work with older browsers and systems. It helps ensure that updates do not disrupt existing functionality.
  • Testing across various older versions of the system can uncover issues that might not be visible in newer environments. This ensures that all supported versions continue to function properly.
  • Backward compatibility testing helps maintain a consistent user experience across different versions. Users on older systems should have a similar experience to those on newer systems.
  • This testing helps identify any errors or issues introduced by new updates. It ensures that new features do not conflict with or break existing functionality.

Use of Polyfills and Shims

They help bridge the gap between modern web features and older browsers that do not support them. They enable older browsers like Internet Explorer Online to handle new functionalities that they would otherwise lack.

  • Polyfills add support for modern web features in older browsers. They allow older browsers to use new functionalities such as JavaScript methods and CSS properties.
  • Implementing them can enhance the experience for users on older browsers. It ensures that they can access and interact with modern features despite their browser limitations.
  • Shims provide a way to emulate new features in older environments. This makes it possible for applications to work correctly on browsers that do not natively support those features.
  • These tools simplify the maintenance of legacy systems by providing a way to support new standards. They allow developers to write code that is compatible with both modern and older browsers.

Use Cloud Testing Platforms

These platforms offer a convenient way to test applications on various legacy systems and browsers. They provide access to a wide range of testing environments without the need for extensive infrastructure.

  • Cloud platforms offer access to different browser versions and operating systems. This makes it easier to test your application across various systems like Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge online.
  • Using cloud testing platforms can be more cost-effective than maintaining your testing infrastructure. You pay only for the resources you use which reduces overall costs.
  • These platforms allow you to scale your testing efforts as needed. You can quickly add more test environments or adjust resources based on your project requirements.
  • Cloud platforms provide real-time testing capabilities. You can run tests, review results, and address issues immediately which speeds up the testing process.
  • Many cloud-based testing platforms are user-friendly and require minimal setup. This makes it easier for beginners to get started with testing legacy systems and ensures a smooth testing process.

LambdaTest is an AI-driven  cross browser testing platform for test orchestration and execution. It enables you to conduct manual and automated tests on more than 3000 real devices, browsers, and OS combinations. 

  • Conduct live interactions with Internet Explorer browsers to verify that your web application functions properly across all versions.
  • Execute Selenium tests on a secure, scalable cloud grid with over 3000 real browsers, including Internet Explorer.
  • Utilize LambdaTest Tunnel to access Internet Explorer browsers online and test your locally hosted web applications.
  • Automate comprehensive website screenshots across various versions, operating systems, and devices within a single automated test.

Emulation and Virtual Machines

They are tools that simulate different operating systems and browsers. They help test applications in environments that mimic older systems and browsers in Internet Explorer Online.

  • Emulators and virtual machines recreate the environment of older systems. This allows you to test how your application behaves on different legacy configurations without needing physical hardware.
  • These tools offer the ability to test on multiple systems and browser versions from a single setup. This versatility helps in identifying compatibility issues across various platforms.
  • Virtual machines allow you to create snapshots of different system states. This makes it easy to revert to previous configurations and test changes without affecting your main environment.

Performance Optimization

It improves how well applications run on legacy systems. It involves enhancing speed and responsiveness to ensure a smooth user experience.

  • Optimizing code helps reduce load times and improve application performance. Efficient coding practices ensure that the application runs smoothly even on older systems with limited resources.
  • Performing load tests helps understand how the application behaves under different levels of stress. This testing identifies potential bottlenecks and ensures the application can handle peak usage times.
  • Implementing caching strategies can speed up application performance by storing frequently accessed data. This reduces the need to retrieve data from slower sources and improves overall response times.
  • Using performance optimization tools helps identify and address issues that affect application speed. These tools provide insights into areas that need improvement and help ensure the application performs well across various legacy environments.

Fallback Strategies

They provide alternative solutions when certain features or functionalities are not supported. They ensure that users on legacy systems still have access to essential parts of the application.

  • Implementing graceful degradation allows the application to function with reduced features on older systems. This ensures that core functionalities remain available even if advanced features are not supported.
  • Using feature detection techniques helps identify what capabilities are available in the user’s browser. This allows you to provide suitable alternatives or simplify features based on what the browser can handle.
  • Progressive enhancement starts with a basic, functional version of the application and adds advanced features for browsers that support them. This approach ensures that users on older systems can still use the core features.
  • Providing fallback content or messages helps users understand when certain features are not available. This improves user experience by offering alternatives or guidance when features are unsupported.


Testing legacy systems like those using Internet Explorer Online is essential for keeping the user experience smooth. Even though outdated technology can be challenging, effective testing makes sure that applications stay functional and secure in different settings. Using tools like cloud testing platforms, emulators, and automated scripts helps address compatibility and performance problems.

Strategies like backward compatibility testing and using polyfills can connect modern features with older browsers. You can ensure that your application works well for all users no matter what browser they use with careful planning and execution. Prioritizing these practices helps keep users happy and supports business continuity.

